
Today is the most boring day ever. Do yopu have any ideas for someone to do on a boring day? Please comment.

I also beat Pokemon Rangers: Shadows of Almia. At the very end you have a showdown with Darkrai. The first time you fight him don't bother attacking, it has no effect. Wait about a min. and the fight will stop. The second time you fight him, you wil be able to hut him.

After you becom Rank Ten, you can go to the Capture Arena. All you have to do is go to the Haruba Desert. Go up two big flights of stairs. Once your in the village, go to the other side. When you get to the other side, there should be a Sudowoodo and a Pelliper. Pass them and go all the way to the bottom of the dock and there should be a Wailord. Walk up to it. It should take you to The Capture Arena.

1 comment:

Christmas Tree 49er said...

I play Wii, Blog, Work on my BLOGS and play on my DS, playstation, computer and more.