
Hello! recently i got and IPod Shuffle. It is silver! Also I have taken an Interest in a game called Amorphous+ on Kongregate.com. If you have an account on Kongregate add me as your friend. I'm MrCorndog. Type it exactly as I did. On Amorphous+ there are 110 awards and I have about 90. I'm very highly ranked on the high score board. You should cheak it out.


Sup! I'm Back from Alabama! FireRed is going great. There is only 2 chances to catch a Snorlax and I never did, wich Sucks Crap. But, on the bright side I did catch Articuno, Zapdos ,and Moltrace. My Charizard is lvl. 74. He knows Blast Burn, Flamethrower, Wing Attack, and something else.