
Hello everyone out there. I was looking at a comment and a guy named Coffee Monkey had commented. If you know the URL for Coffee Monkey's blog, please comment on this post or the one that Coffee Monkey commented on [The one about the cursed kid.]
Yesterday I was walking around and found a dropped wallet. In it, 2 credit cards and $47.00! So I went on eBay and bought a Nintendo DS and Pokemon Rangers Shadows of Almia. I'm also very close to beating it, I think. It's to hard to tell, but it's very fun. You should try getting it. Bye!


The awnsers are in! Ther were 2 responses. One was Absolutaly and the other was Yes. So here it is.....

I was runing from a kid and I hide in a cave and covered the entrance with a big rock. He tried to bust in but I acted like someone else. He said something and I cursed 1,000 years of darkness apon him abut 10 or 11 times. That poor sap will live in darknees evil apon him for all his life. Bwa Ha Haaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!


Hello! This is just a reminder of the poll. be sure to Vote Befor December 25. Thats in two days.


Luxray GL LV.X - Lightning - HP110Level-Up (SP)
Poke-Power: Shining GazeYou can use this Power once during your turn, when you play this card from your hand to Level Up a Pokemon. Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and switch it with your opponent's Active Pokemon.
[L][C] Flash Impact: 60 damage. Does 30 damage to 1 of your Benched Pokemon, ignoring Weakness and Resistance.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)Resistance: Steel (-20)Retreat: 0

Floatzel LV.X - Water - HP100Level Up (SP)
Poke-Body: Water RescueWhenever one of your Water-type Pokemon (excluding any Floatsel GL) is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack and discarded, return that Pokemon (including anything under the Evolution of Level-Up card) and all cards attached to it to your hand.[W][W] Energy Cyclone: Choose any number of Energy in your hand, show them to your opponent, and this attack does 20 damage for each Energy card you reveal. Return those Energy to your deck and shuffle your deck.
Weakness: Lightning (x2)Resistance: noneRetreat: 0

Flygon LV.X - Colorless - HP140Level-Up
Poke-Body: Eroding StormAs long as this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, in between turns discard 1 card from the top of your opponent's deck.
[C][C][C] X-treme Attack: Does 150 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon LV.X.
Weakness: Colorless (x2)Resistance: Lightning (-20)Retreat: 0
BWA HA HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Afew days ago my I did something horrible to a sertain someone.............

Vote if you want hear what I did in the newest poll, Do You Want To Hear?
If yes, It will be Posted 0on December 25, 2008.
If no, then I will not post what I did.
See you later!


This is the most awsome Charizard EVER!


Hello, Friends! Have you seen my new blog? It's called Let It All Out! It's all about fun, pictures, and YOU!! You get to post comments about anything and I won't delet them. If you are depresed about something, or happy about something, let it all out in an comment.



Look at Pikachu! Work those biceps


Today, I went over the limit with some kid. I have been waiting for some dim-wad to finnish a book called The Worlds Fastest Animals in the The El Chupacabra Foundation library. That freaki'n kid is so STUPID!!!!AAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT KID BETTER TURN IT IN!!!!!!!!!!


2 new packs. I got Abomasnow, Bibarel, Hippowdon, Munchlax, and Kangaskhan. I also traded Charmander, Chimchar, and some trainer card for Wormadam Sandy Cloak. I totally riped off that kid.