
Yo yo yo! I was playing with my friend yesterday and we found a bunch of old legos in a cave!There was a Jar-Jar Binks head, Qui-gon-gin, a glow-in-the-dark ghost, a monkey, Knights, a castle base, 2 Lite-sabors[one green,one blue], 3 sharks, 2 horses, a police motorcycle, and a bunch of transparent green-things.



Have you ever been to a Hockey game? If you haven't, I'll tell you all about it. The first thing that happened was a fight. The guys beat the crap out of each other, and the refs don't care until they fall to the ground. There is not much else exept that there was two more fights and the home team scored 4 points and the away team scored 1 point. They play really loud music. You have to see a Hockey game soon. Bye!


Ha ha Toadlord! I bet you don't have this Palkia!

I totally forgot! Happy Thankseating!
1. Waterfall

2. Toucan Sam

3. Giant toad

4. Jirachi

5. Toad

6. Bikini Troopers

7. Dimmondmater

8. Cool Clone Helmats

9. Electivire

These are the things I found on Toadlords lilypad. Ha ha haaaaaaa!!!!!!!*burp* Eat that Toadlord!!!
Ha ha haaaa!!! Toadlord gave me the idea to copy all the stuff that I like of his blog! Thanks! copying, Away!


Look at this Yu-gi-oh Electivire! I think this was fixed on some computer-picture shop.
I copied this of Toadlord! *fart* Bwa ha haaaaa!!!!!
The new video about webkinz is by some weirdo. Toadlords comments will be automaticly deleted. Ya hear that Toadlord? Don't comment! The videos change at about evey 70 seconds.

The Wizard of Oz

The dumbest, most gay-wad-ish movie I've ever seen in my life. Last night i saw it and good thing I could fast-forward. The crap'n munchkins were gay, the scarecrow was gay, the tin man kept on rusting, witch makes him gay, but the lion, oh the Lion had to be the most gayest, most freakish thing in the millions of universes that exist. He sing like a cat having a hair-ball while it's squeezing out a poop thats as big as itself.


Warning! You will die at the count of 1,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo. Just kiding! Anyway, I traded a old crudy Snorlax for a Dark Raticate and a Mesprite for an Azelf and a Mamoswine. I riped off Toadlord big-time. If your reading this Toadlord, I;m most certainly NOT trading back! He, he,heeee!!!


Yo yo yo! I got new cards! Mawile, Blaziken, Venasaur, Flygon thats Grass and Metal, Persian thats Darkness and Metal, Pikachu thats Metal, Scyther, Lickilicky, Shiftry, and some other ones.

Visit www.lizardcommand.blogspot.com and www.toadlordslilypad.blogspot.com.


Hey! I got 2 new cards. Banette and Sableye. My Sableye looks really weird. It's Chewwing on a Crystal.

At The El Chupacabra Foundation meeting I was about to trade my Mesprite for Azelf and Mamoswine. Then I could trade for my neighbors Azelf lv. X. Bwa Ha Haaaaaaa!!!!



It's unfair! I didn't make the President of The El Chupacabra Foundation! I deserved it, not Mary! I don't think she will do what she's supposed to do anyway.


Do you like my new design? I do. The new title is alot better to.

Anyway, I did a good trade for me. I traded a Chingling [Baby Evolution] for a Magby [Baby Evolution of Magmar!] Fair trade? Post comments!

Thank you Toadlord for commenting. I was the one who traded the Chingling for my brothers Magby.


Hello, I almost couldn't get on my blog because of the new google account thing. I HATE IT!!!! This is the first time I am blogging in the morning befor I sneak up on a school and look in Kindergarden window and scare the living crap out of them!


This is just in!

My sister smells like old sausage!!!!!!The moldy kind. She also looks like it.

Anyway, I have Exactly 340 Poke'mon cards and 2 coins


A,B,C Monsters and Poke'mon


D; Dead goats
E; El Chupacabra
F; Flaaffy
G; Godzilla
H; Ho-oh
I; Infenape
J; Jolteon
K; King Kong
L; Loch Ness Monster
M; Mexico
N; Nessie
O; Omante
P; Piloswine
Q; Quagsire
R; Raichu
S; Sasquatch
U; Uxie
V; Venasaur
W; White Wolf
Y; Yeti
Z; Zangoose

Hilarious Halloween picture HA, HA, HAAAAA!!!!!!

Deck the halls with Southern Devil Scorpions!!!!!!!! Fa la la la la laaaa la la la laaaaa!!!

Oh, No!

Look at Uncle Phil! I feel so bad for him!

Try to help the El Chupacabra Foundation by donating blood. All of your blood. We will pay you 50 Pesos for each gallon.

You shall Die!

Picture of Balloons!

If you like to party look at this


Luckiest kid I know


It's unfair! My brother got a Politoed!It evolves from Poliwhirl and so does Poliwrath! I want it! Post a comment if you have it.